Saturday, February 8, 2014

PBP: culture

For the week of C, I thought I should talk about Culture; specifically how it relates to my Path. In this case, I am talking about Irish Culture.


I do not speak nor really understand Gaelige. nevertheless, I try to learn Gaelige. Why? it is the language of the Irish. It helps me connect to the culture. My ancestors spoke it and this helps me honor them in a way. The fact that a number of documents are written in Irish, albit old Irish, makes this more useful. I try speaking it in every day conversation just to get better at speaking it.

While there are debates within the CR movement of learning a celtic Language. I do not feel like I need one to be a Gaelic Polytheist but that I want to know it. I don't know a second language, but I try to learn Irish. I want to learn it, I don't need it but it does help me connect to Irish culture.


If language is the heart of a culture, music might as well be its soul. I enjoy Irish music, both music that is in Irish and in English. Most of the Holidays to me, should have music or singing inovlved. They are days to honor the sacred three but also to be festive, to make merriment and to enjoy one's self.

Like with the Irish language, I try to learn various Irish songs. On st.Patrick's day, or as I celebrate it Eriu's day, I try to sing a complete song by memory. I may not be that great, but I still try. It also helps with the language, I tend to sing songs out loud, so songs in Irish can help me there.


As I mentioned festivals earlier, they are not festivals if there is not food. My father is a cook, though I am not, but this is something that I seek to learn. But Food is important to culture. It is filled with love. Food is important because one shares it with family, friends guests, and strangers. I also seek to learn how to cook Irish food because my current diet is shamefully poor. I need it to change, so that is something that I seek to do.

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