Saturday, January 25, 2014

Pagan Blog Project: Brigid

Well, I thought that I would talk about one of the goddesses I honor today Brigid. She is after all a Gaelic Goddess and the festival of Imbolic is coming up soon.

Brighid is one of the most popular goddesses within Irish mythology there are countless variations are her name. O'hOgain says that her name means 'Exalted One'. This is likely an epithet for the goddess. She is a multifaceted goddess, associated with fertility, agriculture and inspiration.

While it is difficult to know exactly what is the goddess and what is the saint, there is some things that we can know. The lore says she was the Daughter of the Daghda. Though who her mother is not that clear. She is the mother of several other of the Tuatha de Dannen, and she is said to have invented the practice of keening when one of her sons died in the second battle of Magh Turedh. Offerings for her are dairy products of some sort, the most common being milk and butter. the reason is that she is connected to Cattle.

She is a goddess that I seek to know and honor more. While I may not deal with much that she looks over, inspiration is something she can help us all out with, especailly as I am in a field that relies on creativity. Of course it could be that Imbolc is coming up that she is on my mind.

Genealogy of Brighid

The genealogy of the holy goddess Brighid,
Radiant flame of gold, noble mother of Ruadan,
Brighid, the daughter of an Daghda the Good God,
Brighid, daughter of Boanne, shining white,
Every day and every night
That I say the genealogy of Brighid,
I shall not be killed, I shall not be harried,
I shall not be jailed , I shall not be wounded,
Nor shall my Gods leave me.
No fire, no sun, no moon shall burn me,
No lake, no water, nor sea shall drown me,
No arrow of fairy nor dart of Fey shall wound me,
I am under the protection of the Gods of life,
And my gentle foster-mother is my beloved Brighid.


Morgan Dalmar Genealogy of Brighid: Mary Jones:

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